Thursday, February 14, 2008

Camcorders, etc.

Just another Circuit City shoot at the studio yesterday (Feb. 13, 2008). By the time i got in, Barry and Scott had already been shooting, the lighting setup was pretty standard for what we've been doing lately, 3 soft boxes connected at the corners to form a semi-circle, more or less. I can't say there was anything out of the ordinary with the shots, just following the standards and shooting different angles of cameras and camcorders, even some out-of-box shots. I wound up getting there about 11:30-12, stayed til 7:00, not a bad days work. I go back in today to finish off the shoot, we only have a few things to do. Its Valentines Day today, so I'm hoping we dont work too hard today, I haven't even gotten to work yet, and already I want to go home and take a nap.

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