Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More cleaning

Today was nothing out of the norm, it was really slow around the studio so I wound up doing the typical routine, finding work to keep me busy. I went through the storage room and tried to clean up and re-organize a little bit, I also spent a good amount of time sweeping and vacuuming. Its not exciting work, but anytime you can keep the studio clean, its for the best. The cleaner the studio is, the easier we can function, so I never feel sore about having to pick up a broom or dusting. Although I would rather take some photos, its not always going to happen. Besides that, I was planning on taking out a camera, short lens, and some polarizing filters so I can do some copystand photos for my brother. Shouldn't take too long, but anytime you can set up stuff like that, just gives you a little more practice, I can probably barter with him a little bit too, because he really needs to get it done.

Total Hours: 8

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